Public domain glycoprotein structures containing N-linked oligosaccharides |
Full |
Nonredundant |
No. of crystal structures with N-linked glycans |
2359 |
655 |
Total no. of peptide chains |
4957 |
736 |
No. of chains with occupied sequons |
4349 |
656 |
No. of sequons |
16979 |
2580 |
No. of occupied sequons |
10142 |
1666 |
% Occupied (sequons) |
59.73 |
64.57 |
Occupation of N-glycosylation sites (nonredundant set) |
Asn-X-Thr |
Asn-X-Ser |
% Occupied |
65.49 |
34.51 |
% Unoccupied |
46.39 |
53.61 |